Quaker Center welcomes program proposals from all. We depend on our community to provide ideas and leadership for the unique programs and activities that we offer. Quaker Center programs are often led by members of Friends Meeting communities, either in northern California or around the world, as well as those who are not affiliated with a Quaker Meeting. We gratefully receive proposals both for online and in-person programs.
Most of Quaker Center’s in-person programs are a weekend retreat format, and most of our online programs are held as a weekly series, in which a group meets each week for 4-6 weeks. These are tried and true formats, but we are open to receiving alternative proposals for programs and activities as well.
To submit a program proposal, please click here to fill out an online form. We will respond to you as soon as we can.
Questions about submitting a proposal or leading a program? Send an email to nico@quakercenter.org.