Quaker Center relies on your participation and support. Here are three ways to get involved.
Make a financial donation to support this work. Quaker Center depends on the ongoing financial support of our extended community. This support is our community’s collective participation in keeping this vision alive, and we literally could not continue without it. Income from group stays and family retreats covers some of our expenses, but not all – you make the difference. You can make a donation on PayPal right now. You can also mail us a check or call us at (831) 212-2631 to make a donation using a credit card.
Your donation is essential to allow Quaker Center to continue to offer programs and camps, and keep them accessible to all!
Attend a Quaker Center program, or come stay here. These are also great ways to support Quaker Center! Attend a program, make a reservation for a retreat, or tell a friend about Quaker Center. Consider purchasing an Individual Annual Pass, or help your Meeting get an Annual Pass.
Remember Quaker Center in your will. We’re celebrating 75 years of Friends presence in the Santa Cruz Mountains, and we want to keep this vibrant resource flourishing for the next 75 years. Now is the time to help secure the future of Quaker Center. Please talk to us about planned giving, or click here to see sample will and trust provisions.
Want more ways to get involved?
• Get on our mailing list! Monthly QC news and events.
Sign up here!
• Become a Quaker Center contact in your Meeting or community.
We can give you the tools and resources to talk up QC wherever you are! Share Quaker Center news, program calendars and fliers, and let folks know about upcoming events. Drop us a line if you’re interested.
• Consider serving on the Quaker Center board.
Love Quaker Center? As a non-profit organization, we’re run by a board that uses Friends process to steward Quaker Center, support the finances, programs, grounds and staff, and plan for the future. Serving on the board and its committees is a deep and wonderful experience that has united Friends in this work for generations. Let us know if you’re interested.
• Check out our wish list.
You may have something laying around that we could really use.
o A new or very good condition electric vehicle
o Camping chairs, waterproof blankets
o Vacuum cleaners (new or almost new)
o Large projection screen
o Digital projector
o Sewing machine
o Canning and jarring equipment
o Large portable shade structures
o About 50 back jacks
o Picnic table umbrellas
o Tents and camping equipment in very good shape
Have something you think we could put to use?
Let us know about it.