
Take a look at the 2024 program calendar here.

Family Work Camp 2024!

Hooray! Tuesday, July 30th through Sunday, August 4th. All are welcome.

Click here to learn more and to register.

Quaker Center 75th Anniversary
Celebration weekend
Friday, August 30th – Monday, September 2

Saturday, August 31st – Long live Quaker Center work camp
A one-day work camp to help get our center ready for this gathering. Whether you’ve come to 30 workcamps, or if this is your first one, come get a taste of Family Work Camp. Work together through the morning, and have fun in the afternoon and evening.

Sunday, September 1st – The Center is Quaker
Come one and all from far and wide to attend a very special Meeting for Worship on the Occasion of Quaker Center’s 75th in the Redwood Circle. Followed by, of course, a celebratory potluck, and an afternoon rededication ceremony.
This event will be open to all.

Monday, September 2nd (Labor Day) – Open House and Birthday Party (10 am – 5 pm)
On Monday, we’ll invite our town, neighbors, community, valley, and the whole world to come visit Quaker Center and help us celebrate this anniversary and kick off the next 75 years. We’ll have lunch, music, guided tours, some very special ribbon-cuttings, presentations, games and activities, and of course, a really big cake. Not to be missed.

Click here for more information and to register!

Being Moved: An Exploration
of Embodied Spiritual Presence

an in-person program
with Kindred Gottlieb and Jane Blount
September 27-29, 2024

Click here for more information and to register!

Recovering your Inner Radiance
an online program
with Barbara Birch

Five Thursdays in October and November:
October 24 and 31, and November 7, 14 & 21
6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Using the practice of lectio divina, we invite you to explore Rufus Jones’ experience of ‘organic mysticism’ as described in his essay Recovery of the Lost Radiance (1936).

Click here to learn more and to register.

Music and Dance weekend
December 6-8, 2024

This will make 14 years of this December gathering of music, fun, dancing and celebration.

Click here to learn more and to register.

The 2024 year-end retreat
Sharing our Spiritual Stories
December 28, 2024 – January 1, 2025

click here for more information and to register!