History Appendix 2

Quaker Center administrators or staff before devolvement from AFSC in 1982


Stephen Thiermann

Russ Jorgensen

Bob Eaton

Tony Henry


Names are listed by the year in which they first appear in minutes of committee meetings. Lengthof terms vary. The Ben Lomond Committee was also sometimes called the Quaker Center Committee after the name changed from Ben Lomond Camp or Ben Lomond Meeting Ground to Quaker Center in the mid -1960s. Committee members were approved by the NCRO Nominating Committee.

1950: Vern James, Josephine Duveneck, Fred Fellows, Otha Thomas

No minutes exist in the files for committee meetings during the balance of the 1950s.

1962: Herb Foster, Bob Newick, Lincoln Moses, Welvin Stroud

1963: Chuck Atlee

1965: Art Currier, Dorothy Newick, Clarence Lack, Clara Lack

1966: Arnold True, Corinne True, Otto Heck, Dan Dana

1967: Paul Brink, Virginia Brink, Bob Crichton, Margaret Schaeffer, Lester Schaeffer, Howard Wolcott, Margaret Wolcott, Tom Nash, Marti Nash, Riana Alexander

1968: Lois Hogle, Gerry Blum, Peter Eichorn, Bob Mahaney, Margaret French, Charles Scull, Helen Scull, Philips Patton

1969: Bill Gross, Joan Craver, John Craver, Ed Morgenroth, Olive Mayer, Henry Mayer, Don Elton Smith

1972: Harvey Smith, Ruth Smith, Carol Daniels, Carl Isenberg, Dennis Allen, Anne Dale, Sharon Gross

1975: Gary Patton, Charles Stevens, Mary Mikesell, Harry Stamler, Florence Stamler, Joan Forest (Schneider), Frieda Sherburn (Kruse), Tom Horne, George Anderson, Marilyn Anderson

1977: Howard Bull, Sheila Settle, Betty Hone, Virginia Rusinak (daughter of Lucile Manley)

1978: Angus Sumner, Faith Fraser, Dave Fraser, Ian Thiermann

1979: Ellis Harvey, Leona Harvey


CARETAKERS, RESIDENT HOSTS, PROGRAM DIRECTORS (the name changed over the years as this position’s responsibilities evolved):

Earle and Akie Reynolds, 1970 – 1973

Robert Piper and Lonnie Harvey, 1973 – 1976

Vern and Maggie Reynolds, 1976 – 1979

Dee Steele, 1979 – 1982


Mark Thomas, 1979 – 1983


Kerry Hamilton, 1977 – 1979

Zona Gray, 1979 – 1981

Wendy Schnelker, 1981 – 1985

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