Family Work Camp schedule

Family Work Camp at Quaker Center is a time of stewardship and fellowship. It’s a joyful gathering of friends new and old, and also a coming-together to get some important work projects done together. There are work projects of all types and skill levels—no experience necessary. Attenders will divide into groups and work on projects through the morning. Some folks may choose to keep working in the afternoon, and others will spend the time playing, hiking and relaxing. SOME PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS (Rebuild Waterfall Trail; Fire Readiness)

This year we will adhere to some general COVID-safe practices to ensure everyone’s safety (emotional and physical). Specific details regarding meal preparation, cleaning schedules, and use of common spaces and bathrooms will be shared at least one week in advance, as we take time to discern what is necessary and what we can set aside.  Minimally, we ask that you bring your own masks, as there may be times when we still need them.  All participants 12 and over should affirm that they are fully vaccinated or have had a recent negative COVID test.


Tuesday, August 3rd

4 – 5:30 pm      Arrival and settling in. Stop by the Orchard Lodge to get a room assignment, say hello and make a name tag.

6:00 pm           Dinner

7:15 pm           Welcome, Orientation, Project sign-up

10:00 pm         Quiet hours

Wednesday – Saturday, August 4-7*

8:00 am           Breakfast

9:15 am           Work projects

12:30 pm         Lunch

1:30 – 5:30pm Free time

6:00 pm           Dinner

10:00 pm         Lights out

Sunday, August 8

8:00 am           Breakfast

            9:15 am           Final Clean up

            10:30 am         Worship

            Noon               Picnic Lunch

            2:00 pm           Departure

*On Saturday, August 7th, a Pacific Yearly Meeting Children’s Field Trip will be visiting Quaker Center. All are invited to the Redwood Circle at 1:30 p.m. to join them for a special presentation and worship sharing.